Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Its only Tuesday!

Monday morning I woke up extremely tired! Which was not good because I knew that I had a long day ahead of me but had no idea how long. I ended up working from ten until seven thirty. The first thing I did was sent off bedding to two different hospitals. Given the opportunity to be in charge of something like sending off items for a good cause has been amazing. My job most of the time is to keep the database up to date and then to actually keep sending off all the items we receive as soon as possible. Then I was asked to go pick up cookies from a bakery that I learned was downtown. Unfortunately I had to take the subway which I still am not good at. Directions and maps have never been an interest for me. So when I got on the subway I was very confident but then I found out I was in Queens not in Manhattan anymore. I had to find my way back which ended up not being that bad once I knew the exact stop I was supposed to be at. Now I had to find the shop called Milk and Cookies and no one could tell me where the street was at. I must have asked ten people. After walking around for a little bit I finally got in a cab that took me right to the place which was about two blocks over.

Getting the cookies was frustrating because it took forever for anyone to come to the counter to help me but I finally was given the box. I was very careful to leave the shop and get back into a cab. Once I arrived at my office building the frustration started to boil again...the credit card would not work to pay for the cab. Finally the cab driver got his stupid machine to work after the sixth time of putting the card through the machine. Then I went to get out and walk into the building. As I am walking into the building the box of cookies fall out of my hands. The place did not pack the cookies well and they were stars so alot of them were broken in the fall from the points. At this point I just wanted to go home and get in bed! But I had an event to get ready for that we were leaving for in the next thirty minutes.

On my short break I ate lunch and calmed my nerves but at this point I was feeling horrible. Once we arrived at Good Shepperd where the event was held the setting up began. Me and two other Project Sunshine people set up all the tables and started putting the food coloring and icing for the cookie decorating. I had food coloring all over me and still have blue color on my hands.

As soon as the event started the pressure on my shoulders dropped. I helped out with tie dye journals. At first I was very skeptical about this project because it had alot of steps.But the project ended up being alot of fun for the  girls and looked really cute. I ended up leaving a little early because my stomach was killing me and I was not enjoying myself. Also a friend of mine was having a dinner party that I wanted to stop by at. The event was alot of fun while I was there and Miss Teen USA showed up and a Sports Illustrated model also showed up. The girls loved hanging out with these ladies and I was very impressed with how involved they get at events. Good Shepperd is a hospital/foster system that houses teen girls who have been through alot either with abuse or just bad home environments.

The dinner party was alot of fun! Once I was away from the drama/bad day at work I was finally able to enjoy myself and ended up ending my day with a smile and exhaustion! The main thing that put a smile on my face was when we walked back to the hotel and suddenly rats started coming out of the areas where garbage was...a friend of mine Jose started freaking out! This was a hilarious end to my day and gave me a great laugh!

Tuesday started with me printing out sunny grams. I had ordered some more yellow card stock paper because I had run our last week and it had finally been delivered. Then Lisa, the Director of Development, asked me to type up her expense sheet and cut out some pictures. Both of these tasks were a great challenger for me. First off it has been a long time since I have used Excel and so I was very glad that she had a template to follow. This task ended up turning out exactly what she needed which made me feel great. I actually started feeling like I knew what I was doing for once. Then she had asked me to cut out some pictures for her that she had printed off. Like I have probably already said cutting is not my thing and so this freaked me out! But she is also left handed and understands that because of this fact cutting is difficult. Once I handed all the cut pictures back to her she actually mentioned that the work was way better than what they would have looked like if she had done them...HUGE SMILE!!! on my face...

Then Caitlin asked to have a meeting with me. She informed me this week was my one month anniversary with them which I had not realized. Then basically asked me what my strengths in the office and my weaknesses were. Well I have never thought about that because I do not look at myself ever. So the meeting was a huge eye opener for me and showed me a little bit why my internship experience might be lacking a little bit and that is because of me.

Once my meeting was over Caitlin asked me to send ten packages to three different locations for a new project. The project is the fleece pillows so I had to send alot of fabric to three companies so that they can go ahead and put them together for us. Boxing and getting all of this together was very time consuming and also confusing because each one was being shipped differently. I had never had this situation happen so I had to really pay attention to what I was doing. Heidi asked me if I needed help but I am one of these people that I would rather do the work myself and keep it all organized in my own way. After this task was done and the boxes were outside the door waiting to be picked up I had to put away all of the packages from last night. We had about five bags full of stuff that needed to be put away back in the storage room. Then I had a minute to eat lunch finally! Then Heidi had a filing job to do that I got started on but did not finish and will have to do tomorrow...

To end my work day I was asked to sit in on a business meeting. A Child Life Specialist was coming to meet with Project Sunshine about event possibilities that could be held at her hospital. We talked about everything form craft kits, volunteers, celebrity appearances, and programs just for teens because they do not get alot of visitors at her hospital. The whole time my brain was going with ideas for her hospital. I can not wait to look into some new projects and hopefully propose them to Caitlin.  Also I really was considering what this women's job was and I really want to look into it to see if it could possibly be a career....

Once I left at 5:30 my friend Lisa texted and wanted to hang out in the lounge. So I changed from work clothes and got comfortable and went to hang out. Then the people started crowding in so that we could all watch Glee together! Glee was so good tonight! I can not wait for more and it was so fun to be with a huge group that all love the same show. But after that I was exhausted so now I am back in my room and about to go to sleep!

Until next time I have a break to update ...

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